Since 2024, our company BRIZOLL UK LIMITED has been engaged in the supply and distribution of BRIZOLL brand tableware and accessories in United Kingdom. We specialize in high quality cauldrons and cast iron cookware.
Our online-store brizoll.uk is legally owned by BRIZOLL UK LIMITED and is the official representative of the manufacturer BRIZOLL in the United Kingdom with its own warehouse in Essex (11 Weavers Close, Dunmow, Essex, CM6 1FR) and regular deliveries of products from Ukraine. Therefore, we guarantee a fair price for products, constant availability of goods in stock, fast delivery and quality service!
From the very beginning of the founding BRIZOLL plant (legally owned by BILOTSERKIVLYT LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY), we began cooperation with this product manufacturer and the owner of the Brizoll TM. And in May 1, 2024 our company BRIZOLL UK LIMITED concluded a license agreement № L01052 between BILOTSERKIVLYT LLC and BRIZOLL UK LIMITED on the transfer to us of the rights to use the BRIZOLL trademark in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland.